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Time:2022-09-13 09:42:52        Hits:【 】second













Third, the camera battery power saving method

1. Avoid frequent use of flash: If you are not a professional photographer, unless it is in the dark night where you can't see five fingers, the intensity of the light source in ordinary daytime is very important for a person.

For a typical digital camera, it is sufficient.

2. Try to avoid unnecessary zoom operations: the zoom camera lens stretches and shrinks, which consumes a lot of power. You can move around more and use "artificial zoom" instead of "photograph"

camera zoom" to save power.

3. Don't let the display stay on all the time: if the battery is low, you can turn off the LCD screen and use the viewfinder to adjust the picture composition.

It is said that LCD should be regarded as the most power-consuming component. Generally, digital cameras can be used for about 3 times as long as the original time after closing the LCD screen.

4. Less use of continuous shooting and video recording: Minimize the use of continuous shooting function and motion picture short film shooting function, because the completion of these functions is to use the built-in cache of the fuselage to temporarily protect the

Saving the captured images consumes a lot of power.

5. Do not turn on and off frequently: Many users know that the display is always on and consumes a lot of power, so in order to save power, they turn on and off frequently. actual frequency

Switching on and off frequently may waste more power than the high-brightness display, especially for cameras with large lens diameters that need to be greatly stretched and retracted.

Often consumes power. Most digital cameras have an automatic shutdown option. This setting should not be set too short, otherwise it will easily lead to frequent switching on and off. Of course, frequent switching on and off artificially should also be avoided as much as possible.

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